Cognitive Learning

In the area of Cognitive Learning, learner is the subject of active knowledge forming unlike traditional instruction centered learning that learners passively accept the knowledge disseminated by teachers. Also, departing from the descriptive knowledge-oriented fragmentary knowledge, it emphasizes multi-leveled knowledge including procedural knowledge and learning consistent with the context the knowledge really used. The reason why this paradigm of cognitive learning has come up is different knowledge and method of learning from the past industrial society needed. In other words, there are lots of problems which cannot solve with traditional method of learning since creativity and active knowledge application have been desperate. Now, cognitive learning is adapted and attempted in various fields such as corporations, schools and governments.

The research areas are

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Problem Solving
Learning Writing By Reviewing, English Writing, Peer Review
Creative and Analytic Thinking
Text-mining and Computational Linguistic Analysis
Game-based Learning or Serious Game

Web-based Writing Support System Development
Namseok Lee, Ho-Chul Shin, Minjung Kim
The goal of this project is to make research and development which contribute to the development of writing skills especially in university settings. As part of the effort, we’ve been developing a web-based peer review system. Once the system is developed, it will be open to use for public with no charge. We believe this way will make valuable contributions to education in the world as well as Korea.

Cho, K., & MacArthur, C. (2011). Learning by reviewing. Journal of Education Psychology.
Cho, K., & MacArthur, C. (2010). Student revision with peer and expert comments. Learning and Instruction.
Wang, X., & Cho, K. (2010) Computational Linguistic Assessment of Genre Differences Focusing on Text Cohesive Devices of Student Writing implications for Library Instruction. Journal of Academic Librarianship.
Cho, Y., & Cho, K. (2011) Peer reviewers learn from giving comments. Instructional Science. Instructional Science, 39 (5), 629-643
Cho, K. (2010). Learning by Reviewing: Text Analysis as a Reviewer. American Educational Research Association, USA.
Cho, Y. H., & Cho, K. (2010). Learning by Reviewing Peer Drafts in Argumentative and Technical Writing. American Educational Research Association, USA.
Kwangsu Cho, Jungtaek Im, Namseok Lee, Ho-Chul Shin (2011.07.06). Accelerating Learning to Write with Reciprocal Peer Review. CSCL 2011: Interactive Events, Demonstrations AND CSCL in Practice Showcases. Hongkong.
Namseok Lee & Cho. (2011.08.26). A Computational Linguistic Approach to Reviewers’ Comments and Their Writing Abilities (ACCEL)
이남석, 임정택, 조광수(2011.1.28). 전산언어학 기법을 이용한 효과적인 협동학습 패턴분석. 한국 HCI학회 HCI 2011.
임정택, 신호철, 조광수 (2011.1.27). 웹 기반 글쓰기 지원시스템에서 개념도(concept map) 인터페이스를 이용한 글쓰기효과. 한국 HCI학회 HCI 2011.
정혜욱, 조광수, 이지형 (2011). 글쓰기 학습의 피어리뷰(peer review) 정보를 이용한 학습자 패턴 분석. 한국지능시스템학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 학술발표논문집 제21권 제1호
신효정, 최돈정, 정혜욱, 조광수, 이지형 (2011). 동료 평가 환경에서 동료 간 매치에 따른 학습 성과 추론 모델. 한국지능시스템학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 학술발표논문집 제21권 제1호
신호철, 김민정, 채행석, 조광수 (2012). 협동학습에 활용 가능한 디지털 교과서 애플리케이션 – 동료평가와 직소 학습법을 기반으로. K-HCI.

Funded by ACCEL (May. 2010~April. 2013)

Game-based learning
Dr. Insook Han, Hochul Shin

권정민, 조광수 (2009). 디지털 게임의 특수교육적 활용에 관한 문헌 연구, 특수교육학, 44(3), 37-61.
Han, I., Shin, H., & Cho, K. (under review). Effects of entertaining game on explicit learning in Physics.
한인숙, 신호철, 조광수 (2010.12.3). 디지털 게임플레이와 암묵적 지식 형성. 한국 인지 및 생물심리학회 창립 30주년 기념 제47차 학술대회
한인숙, 신호철, 조광수 (2011.1.26). 디지털 게임플레이 패턴과 학습효과. 한국 HCI학회 HCI 2011.
이윤경, 신수정, 이남석, 조광수(2011.1.28). 잠재의식 자극에 의한 정서상태가 게임중의 판단에 미치는 영향. 한국 HCI학회 HCI 2011.
한인숙, 신호철, 조광수. (2012). 디지털 게임이 명시적 학습에 미치는 긍정적인 영향. K-HCI.

Metacognitive Thinking
Dr. Moon-Heum Cho; Dr. Young-Hoan Cho

Cho, M., & Cho, K. (2011.04.09). Twitter as a Tool to Support Students’ Metacognitive Regulation Skills. New Orleans, LA.
Cho, Y. H., Lee, S., & Cho, K. (2011.04.11). The roles of co-explanations vs. self-explanations in learning from design examples. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
이윤경, 신수정, 이남석, 조광수(2011.1.28). 잠재의식 자극에 의한 정서상태가 게임중의 판단에 미치는 영향. 한국 HCI학회 HCI 2011.
한인숙, 신호철, 조광수. (2012). 디지털 게임이 명시적 학습에 미치는 긍정적인 영향. K-HCI.

A Multi-sensory Teaching of English Intonation using Vibrotactile Devices
Jungsik Hwang, Minjung Kim,
Intonation is considered to be the most important element of spoken language because intonation conveys not only the meaning of speech, but also speaker’s attitude. However, acquiring intonation of foreign language seems to be a very difficult task for foreign language learners. To help them overcome the difficulties, a multi-sensory teaching of intonation using two different vibrotactile devices was investigated. The vibrotactile devices designed in this paper used the intensity of vibration and spatial differences to represent the intonation patterns of English and compared the effect of the two different types of vibration. The results indicated that modulating the intensity of vibration according to the pitch of speech helped the participants to become aware of intonation patterns, and was turned out to be effective in learning intonation.

Patent: Kwangsu Cho and Jungsik Hwang, “English Intonation Learning System Using a Vibrotactile Device”
Jungsik Hwang & Kwangsu Cho (2011.08.26). A Multi-sensory Teaching of English Intonation using Vibrotactile Devices. International Conference on Media in Education (ICoME) 2011
Hwang, J. & Cho, K. (Under review). Designing Vibrotactile Devices for Teaching English Intonation. ICUIMC 2012
김민정, 황중식, 조광수 (2012). 다중감각 자극을 이용한 영어 억양 교육. K-HCI

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